Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wished: Cameo in Victorian Lady Style

Until I manage to catch up with the other reviewers on the latest updates, I'ma keep reviewing the preloved things I like *shifty eyes* I'll probably get started when I'm satisfied with the blogshops directory currently in processing. OCD much? =P

But this long necklace from Le Femme Fatale is commanding my attention. I've had my eye on this since it was posted but decided to reconsider because it's just not my style. By the time I came back round to review, it's sold! :( But see what I mean by constantly surprising myself by with the interests I find developing?

Classic, vintage and demure, the centrepiece was what caught my eye in the first place. But the bling around it, I'm not so sure. The necklace would have done better keeping it sweet and simple without the diamante.

Wished (and crushed): Cameo in Victorian Lady Style at RM10

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